Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Election Night

As you all know, the election was yesterday and meant for a long day for journalists around the country, myself included. And, I actually had fun. Sure, I have covered hundreds of these events, but this was my first one in the D.C. area and that by itself adds a little something to it. It was packed full of media and supporters. But, I had fun. The race for senate in Virginia isn't over yet! It is one of 2 races in the country that will go to an automatic recount and could either win control for the Democrats, lose it for them or split it in half. Anyways, the pics.

These people wre great. I got a good jube and dejection shot from the same couple. Yay!

I really wish I could of just shot the crowd, but for some reason, editors always want to see the candidates also. These 2 are of the democratic supporters at the rally.

And this is one of the required candidate shots.

I am soooo happy that election season is over, at least for now.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Election Time

My name is Robbie Hammer and I approved this blog.

It seems that all the political ads that you see on T.V. now all have this same message at the end. Both parties also seem to all have the same theme to their ads. The Republicans basically say if you vote for the Democrats, America will get attcked again, because they are wimps. The Democrats basically say that all Republicans are close and support Bush, so therefore they are evil and have horns.

All I hear though is; Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, vote for me, blah, blah, blah, my opponent bad, blah and evil, blah, blah, blah.

Anyways, I was on the metro the other evening after hanging out with some friends on Halloween. I hope to take more picture on the metro, there are a lot of interesting things to see there. As long as I don't get arrested. Later.